The 2014 NEC requires that most inverters be equipped with an AFCI, which enables the inverter to shut down for safety reasons if an arc is detected. |
Alerts |
Tigo customers can receive Email or SMS notifications about performance-related issues and monitoring interruptions. For more information, see monitoring package features. |
ATS (Automatic Transfer Switch) |
A device that automatically transfers a power supply from its primary source to a backup source when it senses a failure or outage in the primary source. |
Bypass Diode |
Bypass diodes are located inside the junction box of a PV module. They allow current to flow around shaded groups of cells to reduce voltage loss and minimize hot spots in the module. |
The Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) data logger used in solar photovoltaic systems collects and transmits module-level performance data from Tigo TS4 MLPE. It is the communication hub for monitoring and safety features within a Tigo solar system. It allows users to access detailed information about individual solar panels through the Tigo Energy Intelligence platform. |
CC (Cloud Connect) |
The Cloud Connect (CC) is a Tigo legacy product that provides communications and data logging for the Tigo system, with a complete physical interface (buttons, screen, etc). The CC also includes PIV functionality and WiFi capability. |
Dark start |
A term used in battery applications. It describes the ability to restart the battery if it has been discharged to alow level and turned itself off to prevent a deep discharge. |
Dashboard |
The first page on Tigo's Energy Intelligence (EI) Portal (Desktop version) is called the Installations page. It is also commonly called a Dashboard because it is the primary display point for all system(s) associated with the account. This macroscopic overview includes system names, IDs, total energy generated, and other environmental info. It is accessible to both the installer and system owner(s) when logging into their Tigo accounts. |
Discovery |
Discovery is part of the commissioning process. It includes downloading and implementing the System Build (serial numbers, etc.) that the installer has entered into their Tigo system in the Energy Intelligence (EI) app or portal. This is followed by a TS4 scan to locate and initialize communication with the optimizers. Discovery usually takes 15 minutes to complete, but the subsequent scan for optimizers can take up to 24 hours (depending on the size of the system). |
Duo |
The TS4-Duo is a Tigo legacy product. It is an MLPE that provides an add-on or retrofit solution that has similar functionality to the TS4-O series, while also allowing the unit to be attached to 2 PV Panels. The Duo cover with UHD-Core technology and expanded specifications supports a combined power of up to 700W. |
EI (Energy Intelligence) |
EI (Energy Intelligence) is Tigo's monitoring and commissioning software. |
Energy |
Total accumulated kilowatt-hours (kWh) output from any TS4, EI Inverter, or EI Battery within a specified time frame. |
The Gateway is a Tigo legacy product that was replaced with the TAP (Tigo Access Point). It is a rooftop transceiver device connected to the data logger (MMU, CC, CCA) via RS-485 cable. It sends and/or receives data and implements tasks via wireless communication with the Tigo TS4s on the array. |
Imp (Current at maximum power) |
The current measurement of a PV module when a load is applied to the string, i.e., the PV inverter is producing. Expressed in amps (A). |
Isc (Current at Short Circuit) |
The current of a PV module when it is not under load, i.e., the PV inverter is not producing. Expressed in amps (A).
Jbox (Junction Box) |
A Junction Box (commonly referred to as JBox) is the box or connection point on the backside of a PV module (solar panel). In most cases, the Bypass Diodes are located in the JBox. |
A MAC (Media Access Control) ID is a unique address assigned to any Tigo hardware device with a network interface controller (NIC). This address is used to locate and/or communicate data between hardware devices. The address is also interchangeable with the hardware Serial Number (as it is simply a shorter version of the MAC ID). |
Mesh |
A Wireless Mesh Network (WMN) is a communications architecture comprising radio nodes organized in a mesh topology. This structure allows each TS4 to act as a relay station for data signals. It improves performance by allowing data collection from up to 300 TS4 units (~100kW systems) using a single TAP, or up to 900 TS4 units (~300kW systems) on a single CCA with multiple TAPs. It also extends the wireless range up to 115ft (35m) in diameter. |
Module-level power Electronics are intelligent devices that affect the system on the PV-module level (at the DC collection point). This class of panel-mounted devices includes the Tigo Flex family of products and older legacy products, like the Tigo MM-ES and J-ES series. |
MODBUS is a communication protocol for manually connecting electrical devices within a data stream. Inverters and meters equipped with MODBUS can report information to the Data Logger for upload and display within the Energy Intelligence (EI) app or portal. |
Module |
A "photovoltaic module" is an assembly of solar cells, sometimes incorrectly referred to as a solar panel. |
Monitoring Dashboard |
On the EI Portal or App, a display of total energy generated, the number of installations, and other environmental information. |
MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) |
A technique used by inverters and charge controllers to maximize energy extraction as conditions vary. Some inverters can have multiple MPPTs (Maximum Power Point Trackers) that manage portions of the array independently of each other. Tigo Optimizers work with the inverter to determine the best possible operating conditions at the DC module level. See our Optimization article for more information. |
NABCEP (North American Board of Certified Practitioners) |
The North American Board of Certified Energy Practitioners (NABCEP) is a nonprofit professional certification organization that offers accreditation programs for photovoltaic and renewable energy professionals throughout North America. |
NEC 690.12 |
The USA’s National Electric Code (NEC) article 690.12 defines rapid shutdown requirements for all US residential and commercial systems. Read more about Tigo's rapid shutdown compliance |
Optimizer |
Optimizer is a general industry term for DC to DC converters designed to maximize the energy yield from a PV system. Tigo’s TS4 Platform units are commonly referred to as optimizers, however only the TS4-O, TS4-S, and TS4-M have optimization capabilities. |
Peak Power |
Peak power is the maximum power production capacity of the PV modules on a system multiplied by the number of modules in the system. |
Power Factory |
On the Charts tab of the monitoring portal, this represents the total DC power produced by your system. |
PLC (Power Line Communication) |
A method of transmitting data over power cables. Tigo's TS4-F and RSS Transmitter use PLC for rapid shutdown activation. |
PIV (Predictive IV) |
A feature available in the TS4-O and TS4-L covers incorporating MPPT, Impedance Matching, and module behavior statistics for the greatest energy yield and selective deployment of optimization. |
Power |
Realtime production is measured in watts (W) from an array or inverter. POWER (W) = volts (V) x current (A) |
Tigo's safety shutdown feature that can be activated locally, remotely, or, in some cases, automatically. Formerly known as PV-Safe. |
RSD (Rapid Shut Down) |
Rapid Shut Down (RSD) is an electrical safety requirement set by the National Electrical Code (NEC). It is an autonomous response to loss of AC (or grid failure), that insures the PV System is producing less than 30 volts within 30 seconds of initiation. This reduces potential harm from electrical hazards and improves general safety conditions for Fire Fighters. |
Reclaimed Energy |
The Tigo Monitoring Account provides data on how much is recovered using Tigo optimizers (TS4-O). Reclaimed data shows the amount of extra Power or Energy a PV system has harvested above the standard production. This feature is a great way to review your ROI (Return on Investment), and it is displayed on: Basic Charts - Click System Energy Reclaimed link (upper right) |
A standard protocol defining the electrical characteristics of drivers and receivers for use in communication system. It is necessary for connecting multiple devices in series. Tigo systems use a 4-conductor, or twisted pairs on a multi-cable (like Cat-5), for the connection between the Gateway/TAPs and the Data Logger. |
RSS Signal Detector |
A RSS (Rapid Shutdown System) Signal Detector is a functionality testing/confirmation device that senses power-line communication (PLC) signals coming from the transmitter source (i.e., Tigo’s RSS Transmitter) to Tigo’s UL-certified TS4-F (Fire Safety) units. It is a handheld failsafe tool that PV installers use to confirm that PV systems comply with the National Electric Code (NEC) 690.12 rapid shutdown specifications. |
Tigo's RSS (Rapid Shutdown System) Transmitter pairs with the TS4-F products. The RSS Transmitter sends a powerline communication "keep alive" signal to the TS4-F units, allowing full module voltage to pass through. When the RSS Transmitter loses power, the PLC signal is stopped, and the TS4-Fs enter rapid shutdown. |
A feature of Tigo's TS4 optimization technology allows users to deploy Tigo technology where it's needed, rather than on every panel in a solar system. This feature is made possible by Tigo's Impedance Matching and Predictive IV technologies. |
A PV module that comes pre-assembled with Tigo's electronics already installed in the junction box. Legacy product. |
System View |
The module-level view of power production through the EI (Energy Intelligence) portal. |
System ID |
The identification number for a particular Tigo installation. |
TAP (Tigo Access Point) |
A rooftop transceiver device connected to the CCA via RS-485 cable. It sends and receives data via wireless communication with the Tigo TS4s on the array. This device replaces the legacy Gateway and can utilize WMN (wireless mesh network). See TAP Placement for installation information. |
TS4 (Tigo Series 4) |
The TS4 is a solar DC-to-DC conversion product that improves safety, decreases operating costs, and increases solar production. It can be integrated into new and existing solar systems and is compatible with a wide range of solar modules and inverters. |
UL |
Underwriter’s Laboratory (UL) is a global third-party safety science organization certifying many electronic devices. Tigo products are UL certified for rapid shutdown compliance. To see the full list of Tigo UL Certified Products, log in to your UL account here. |
Vmp (Voltage at Maximum Power) |
The voltage of a PV module when a load is applied to the string, i.e., the PV inverter is producing power. |
Voc (Voltage at Open Circuit) |
The voltage of a PV module when no load is applied, i.e., the PV inverter is not producing. Used when calculating maximum string length. |