This article shows you how to use the EI App "Network Test" to verify the Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) is successfully connected to the Tigo Cloud. This connection is necessary for software updates and sending system data to the Tigo EI Portal and EI App.
CCA Overview
The CCA (Cloud Connect Advanced) is Tigo's third-generation data logger and can be connected to a network via WiFi (wireless) or wired (Ethernet).
The CCA network connection is configured using the Tigo Energy Intelligence (EI) App, which is installed on your mobile phone/device. Use the App to connect to your CCA and Run a Network Test.
Run a Network Test
You may run a network test to confirm that your Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) is successfully connected to the Tigo Cloud. This will offer valuable data about the network connection (strength, speed, IP address, etc.).
Step 1: Restart the CCA (power off and back on)
Step 2: Sign into the Tigo EI App
Note: The CCA stops broadcasting its wireless connection point after 2 hours. Restarting the CCA will re-initiate the signal so the EI App can detect it.
Once connected to the CCA:
- Select the system on the Installations page
- Tap Edit (bottom)
- Tap Configure Communication
- Select Internet Settings
- Choose the correct CCA from the list
- Tap the 3-Dot (More Options) button (top right corner)
- Choose Network Test
- When finished, the prompt will say PASS or FAILED.
(Tap Click to view details for more information)
Tap CLOSE when finished
Note: The Ethernet warning is specific to the type of network you have connected to.
- If using an Ethernet/wired connection, the Ethernet cable plugged will show OK.
- If using a WiFi connection, Ethernet cable unplugged will show WARNING.
You may disregard these warnings.
Interpreting Network Test Results
The three scenarios (below) identify possible results of a Network Test (for WiFi network connection), and provide potential causes and methods to correct these issue(s):
For a full list of Network Issues, see Network 101 - Internet Access and Network Reliability