This article provides instructions on how to Add a System Owner, once the commissioning of the Tigo TS4 system has been completed.
Create and Edit - Using EI App (Mobile) Create and Edit System - Using EI Portal (Desktop) Configure Communication (Network and Start Discovery) Add a System Owner |
An Installer-Level account can create a new user account (System Owner or Installer), at any time. This function is mostly used when adding a new System Owner to a recently commissioned a system. However, adding an account is not mandatory within the commissioning process
System Owners do not have the capability of adding other System Owners or Installers to their system(s). This action must be completed by an Installer-level account or by a representative of Tigo (upon verification of ownership). However, they can add Public Access to their system and share the link to others.
Important Notes:
When a System Owner Level Account is added: The new System Owner will receive an invitation email. Upon email confirmation, they will be able to view the system within their account, and make very simple changes (like re-naming the system, changing background image, etc).
Before an Installer-Level Account is added: An installer must create their account at Tigo (first), so they are insured Installer-Status. Once added to a system, they will immediately be able to view the system online, and make crucial changes (full access to Installer-level tools within their account). It is very important to make them aware that changes to the system are live and can have permanent results.
For more info on adding users or accessing systems, please see:
How do I share or add another user to a system?
Adding a System Owner via the Tigo EI App
Sign into the Tigo EI App and select the desired system from your list.
- Press the Settings icon
(bottom right)
- Press Edit System
- Select System Access
- Press the green ‘+’ icon button (bottom right) to add users to the system
- Enter email address and name and press the ADD button (below)
Adding a System Owner via the Tigo Portal (online)
- Sign in to your Installer-Level account on the Tigo Portal (online)
- Choose the desired System within the Installations menu
- Click on Edit System
- Choose Access
- Select Add User (top right)
- Enter name and email for new account
- Click Add button
Once you have added the new user account (System Owner or Installer), they will receive an automated email inviting them to confirm their account with Tigo. If the user does not receive the notification or has any issues signing in, please have them Contact Tigo Support.
Related Content:
Tour of the Tigo Energy Intelligence (EI) Monitoring Portal
How do I share or add another user to a system?
How do I create an Installer Account?