The Tigo Cloud Connect Advanced (CCA) has a green front panel that includes all of the connection terminals, as well as an LED (right side, below). This LED indicates the operational status/modes for the system:
At startup, the LED will show these patterns in normal operation:
- At power-on, LED is dark for approx. 12 seconds (you may see some internal LEDS light up).
- LED is Amber during the software boot-up phase (approx. 2-3 minutes).
- LED then indicates the system status according to the sections below.
Standard Operational Modes
System OK mode
Steady green - indicates that:
- Discovery has been completed
- Specified number of TAP/Gateways, and up to 75% or more of Optimizers have been found
- Internet access is operational, and the CCA is able to upload production data to the servers
Mobile App Connected mode
Flashing green - indicates that:
- The EI App is connected to the CCA by Bluetooth (for service or maintenance).
LED flashes Green to indicate when a data transfer is occurring.
Discovery in Progress Mode
Flashing yellow - Indicates that:
- CCA is detecting Gateways/TAPs and configuring the optimizer radio communications.
Note: This mode is the final activity of a new system's setup/commissioning, but may also show during an optimizer replacement (as it seeks out the new serial number).
Safety Modes
PV-OFF mode (manually initiated via switch)
Blinking green and yellow - indicates that:
PV-OFF mode was activated manually, by engaging with a connected switch or relay.
Similar to Rapid System Shutdown (DC voltage on strings ceases).
For more info, see: Installing a Manual Latching Push Button Safety Switch
Auto PV-Safe mode (automatic shut down of system)
Red and yellow alternating - indicates that:
PV-Safe mode has been automatically engaged by the CCA
Similar to Rapid System Shutdown (DC voltage on strings ceases).
PV-Safe will only be triggered if the system contains older MLPEs (MM-ES50's, etc), that experience a sustained high current at one or more of the optimizers.
To disengage PV-Safe on these older systems, the MLPE units in question need to be removed. Once the issue has been corrected, turn the breaker back on and the system will automatically discover the new replacement unit. If the PV-Safe Mode persists, Contact Tigo Support as the system may provide additional data to support a hidden issue, or the CCA may require a remote update in order to reactivate.
Trouble or Warning Modes
Warning mode
Solid yellow - indicates that:
- Discovery through connection with EI App has not been initiated (yet)
- Discovery has been completed, but errors have been detected
check the Equipment page, to see if the number of TAP/Gateways has been specified - Did not find at least 75% of the optimizer serial numbers entered on Layout page
- Internet connection is not allowing data upload to Tigo Servers. See: Network 101
Connect to the CCA using the Tigo Energy Intelligence (EI) App, to check the above items.
Discovery or Internet access failure mode
Solid Red - indicates that:
- CCA is not able to connect to the user's network or Tigo's server.
(could be caused by incorrect password, firewall disruption or lack of signal)
It can also indicate that:
- CCA is not able to complete the Discovery process, because...
- The number of TAPS/Gateways found is less than what is specified on the Equipment page
- CCA is not able to connect to Tigo server (required for downloading serial numbers, etc)
Any monitored system requires a CCA, TAP and internet service to complete it's Discovery, data transmission, and activation (or installation) of the Rapid shutdown protocols. Check all points of data transmission (including TAP wiring), and make sure that the WiFi SSID and Password is correct.
For more assistance, see:
- Network 101 - Internet Connection and Network Reliability
- Configure Communication (Network and Start Discovery)
- Network Test - CCA - Verify and Troubleshoot Internet Connection
- CCA - TAP Test
Power Off mode
Dark or unlit LED - indicates that:
- System is in Rapid Shutdown Mode
If this is the case, simply returning the AC Power to the DIN-Rail Power Supply should reactivate the system. However, if the system is not returning after AC has been returned, there may be other issues that are stopping the CCA from receiving its minimum power requirement (12VDC minimum).
- Check the AC breaker feeding the outlet or DIN-rail power supply.
- Measure DC voltage at power terminal on the CCA (DIN-rail power supply is 12-24VDC)
If all is correct and the LED is still not functioning as expected, an event may have happened that has disarmed or damaged the CCA. Follow these steps to troubleshoot:
- Turn off AC breaker or disconnect at power supply
- Completely de-power CCA, by disconnecting all Power and Gateway terminals
- Clean up any loose wires and reconnect CCA to the power supply (only)
- Turn on AC breaker and check that the LED on both the power supply and CCA are active
If there is no LED activity on the CCA when the power has been returned, the unit may have been damaged or is not functioning correctly. Please Contact Tigo Support for more assistance.