If you are a Premium Subscriber, you have access to the Advanced Charts page. Here is how to access and understand the data that is offered within the upgraded service package.
Note: Basic or Free version systems do not have access to Advanced Charts
How to Navigate to Advanced Charts
Here's how to access the Advanced Charts page,online:
- Sign into Tigo Account and select the Premium System (if there are multiple)
- Under system View (left column), select Advanced Charts
- Set the Date Range (From and To)
- Choose the Frequency of data represented (granularity)
- Select the Source (type of data), and choose the Readings and Objects (right side)
- Click the View Chart button to view, or the Download CSV button to download
Chart Options
The following options are located in the Advanced Charts section:
- Panels_Avg - Display information from Tigo MLPE Units
- Readings
- Power - The power input (Pin) of each optimizer
- Voltage In - The input voltage (Vin) of each optimizer
- Current In - The input current (Iin) of each optimizer
- Readings
- Objects
- Inverter - Which system inverter is reviewed
- String View - The results by string
- Unit View - The results per MLPE (module/panel)
- String View - The results by string
- Inverter - Which system inverter is reviewed
- Objects
- Sensors (DAQs) - Display information from connected modbus/RS485 devices (sensors, revenue grade meters, etc)
View Chart Option
If the View Chart button is selected, the assortment of data will appear as a pop-up chart, representing the options you have chosen on the Advanced Charts page:
- The Options can be selected or de-selected
- The MLPEs can be individually selected or de-selected
- Clicking Time (top left) will de-select all Options and MLPEs
- The Y-Axis will show the reading or level produced
- The X-Axis will show the desired time range
- Each line color is coordinated with the MLPE it's representing
Click and drag across the chart, from one time range to another (like 7:30am to 9:00 AM). The chart will zoom in to show that time period, only. Click Reset button (top center) to return to original time-field.
Download CSV
If the Download CSV button is selected, the assortment of data will be delivered as a CSV (comma-separated values) file. This can be imported and converted for usage within a spreadsheet, or other software.