You are experiencing the following with your Tigo system in the EI (Energy Intelligence) Monitoring portal/app:
- No longer receiving daily/monthly email reports
- Haven't received the monthly production report
- Haven't been receiving notifications or alerts
- Missing email or SMS, reports or alerts
Confirm that the desired notifications are configured.
1. Log into the Tigo EI Monitoring Portal/App. Make sure you are logged in with the user account that is having the problem receiving alerts or reports.
2. Select the system having the issue.
3. Select Settings > Notifications, and confirm that everything you want to be notified of is selected (solid green).
Note: The Reports options require clicking the Reports tab next to the Alerts tab. See the red * in the image above.
4. Confirm any of the requested Premium features () have an active Premium subscription.
To do this:
- 1) Select Settings
- 2) Select Premium
- 3) Select Packages. The package purchased, and the date it expires are displayed:
If you want to purchase or update your premium subscription, see Monitoring - Features & Pricing.
If you still have issues, Contact Support.