Yes! See below for details. Many of our competitors do not allow this.
Connector Compatibility
Tigo recommends that PV connectors should always be matched from the same manufacturer. In other words, all mated connectors should match exactly in both type (for example, “MC4”) and manufacturer.
BayWa R.E. recently published an article, “Round Peg, Round Hole”. This article has a good, helpful discussion of connector compatibility.
Tigo's ability to use jumpers or whips is increasingly important as some connectors become scarce in the solar market.
The Use of PV adapter cables (aka “jumpers” or “whips”)
The best way to deal with incompatible connectors is to use an adapter cable, which is simply a length of PV wire with two different connectors on each end. Below is a set of adapters for MC4 to MC3 connections.
When can these adapters be used?
Many equipment vendors do not allow the use of these adapters with their equipment without voiding the warranty. We will fully honor the Tigo warranty when these adapters are used, providing all mating adapters are of the same type and manufacturer.