The article explains how to connect the Tigo EI Inverter to the customer's Internet during the commissioning process.
Create or Add an EI Residential System (Inverter, Battery and ATS)
Create and Edit a TS4 System - Using EI App (Mobile)
Create and Edit a TS4 System - Using EI Portal (Desktop)
Configure TS4 Communication (Network and Start Discovery)
- The EI System must be created
See: Create or Add an EI Residential System (Inverter, Battery and ATS) -
The site must have a stable Internet connection.
See: - Network 101 - Internet Access and Network Reliability
- The customer must obtain the WiFi network name and password.
- The Tigo EI App must be downloaded onto your mobile device.
Click here for information: Install Tigo Energy Intelligence (EI) App on your mobile device
Choose Network for EI Inverter System
You are now at the EI Setup screen. This screen shows the individual parts of the EI system that you can enter into the App. Some of the components are automatically detected, while others must be manually entered.
- Press Internet Settings to view WiFi networks
(drag down to refresh the WiFi network list if it is empty) - App will scan for local networks
- Press on the correct WiFi Network name to select
- Press Internet Settings to view WiFi networks
- Enter Network password
Press CONNECT - App attempts to connect to the network
App connects to network
Press DONE to return to the EI Setup page
- Enter Network password
- A green check mark should appear next to Online (under Internet Settings
- A green check mark should appear next to Online (under Internet Settings
And that's it! You are now ready to proceed through the rest of the commissioning process. If you have any questions, please contact the Tigo Support team.
Configure and Commission TS4 System
Now that the EI Residential Solar + Storage System is installed, you can add the benefits of having a TS4 Optimization System. For full directions on Configuring/Commissioning the Tigo TS4 portion of the system, proceed to: Commissioning a TS4 System - Getting Started