HelioScope is based on module-level calculations, which makes it the perfect tool for calculating the behavior of Smart Modules and systems retrofitted with Tigo optimizers. Plus, it enables scenario analysis to accurately compare an optimized system against an array with traditional modules. HelioScope models the behavior of each Tigo-optimized module in the array, including the bypass modes and the efficiency curves of the electronics.
In order to model an array with Smart Modules or RetroFit Optimizers, create your new Project in HelioScope and start your Design. For assistance with these steps, please see the HelioScope training videos here.
During the creation of your Design, in Electrical Design, go to the Select an Optimizer (Optional) drop-down menu.
Select the Tigo MM-ES50 option.
Once all of your wiring options are set, click Generate Wiring and Save your design.
Follow the HelioScope instructions for modeling the shade on your project using SketchUp with the HelioScope plugin. Instructions for modeling shade can be found here.
Once your project is complete with a design and condition set, go to Reports and Simulate in order to create a report for your system and view the simulated monthly and annual production.
Click Report to view the results of the simulation.
The energy recovered by using Tigo will be reflected in the Output After Mismatch figure in the annual production table, and will hence increase the total Energy to Grid.
Below is an example report from a residential system with shade from a tree:
System Without Tigo Optimizers
System With Tigo Optimizers