This article provides assistance with selecting a RSS Transmitter and inverter for the TS4-A-F and TS4-A-2F, Tigo's cost-effective rapid shutdown solution.
RSS Transmitter
If you intend to purchase a new TS4-F system, one of the first decisions is the choice of signal transmission sources.
The TS4-F series requires a "keep-alive" signal to activate the MLPEs. The PLC (Power Line Communication) transmission of the "keep alive" signal is received by the TS4-F / TS4-A-F units. When the signal ceases (transmitter turned off) the system automatically goes into rapid shutdown mode. This signal can be supplied by any one of these sources:
- An external Tigo RSS Transmitter
- An Inverter that has been enhanced with a Tigo RSS Transmitter (UL PVRSS certified inverters)
- An Inverter that offers an alternative solution (with compatible PLC signaling)
This is what the external Tigo RSS Transmitter looks like:
The Tigo RSS Transmitter with Pure Signal Technology looks slightly different but adds more features to ensure a strong, stable powerline communication signal to the TS4-A-F / -2F.
Note: If you are designing a system with our Data Monitoring TS4 series MLPEs (TS4-M/S/O), a signal transmitter is not required. Follow this link for more information: TS4-M-S-O-Design-Essentials
Tigo offers compatibility lists for specifically tested models with the TS4-F:
View all UL PVRSS certified inverters for NEC rapid shutdown compliance (including those with integrated RSS transmitters)> here
- View all compatibility-tested inverters> here
For inverters companies that are offering an alternative PLS signaling solution, you must contact their support teams for more information on whether their transmitter has been tested with Tigo's TS4-F MLPEs.