The Tigo skill for Amazon Alexa recognizes voice commands related to energy production and other information about your Tigo PV system.
Getting Started
To begin, you'll need an Alexa-enabled device, the Alexa app and a user account for the Tigo monitoring portal.
- Go to Amazon Alexa Skills
- Find an enable the Tigo skill in the Alexa app
- Enter your Tigo account information (when prompted)
- Link your Tigo and Amazon accounts by pressing "Allow"
Once you've completed this, you'll be able to access data for your Tigo system using Alexa.
Ask a Question
To ask Alexa a question, begin with either "Alexa, ask Tigo..." or by "Alexa, open Tigo" and then ask your question.
The following examples are some of the ways you can ask Alexa about your Tigo system.
Average Energy
Average system energy production can be requested for a range of dates or for the entire production monitoring history.
“What is my average power production?”
“Give me my average energy.”
“What was my average production from [start date] to [end date]?”
“Give me my average energy each day since [date].”
“How much energy did I produce on average since [date]?”
“What is my average production since [date]?”
Current Power
Provides the power output from the most recent data.
“Give me my current power production.”
“How much power am I generating right now?”
“What is my current power output?”
Peak Energy
Provides the highest recorded production from your system.
“Give me my peak power production.”
“What is my highest energy generated?”
“When did I produce the most energy?”
“When did I generate the most from [date] to [date]?”
“What day produced the most energy from [date] to [date]?”
System Summary
Provides a daily system report.
“Give me a system summary.”
“Give me my daily report.”
“What is the system summary for today?”
Total Energy
Provides the total energy generated by the system.
“What is my total power produced?”
“Give me my energy generated from [date] to [date].”
“How much energy have I produced?”
“Give me my total power production since [date].”
Repeats a previous answer and add refinements, like start date or date range.
"Say that again."
“Again from [date] to [date].”
“One more time, but between [date] and [date].”
“Repeat that since [date].”
More Info
Get information about your system, Tigo components, or the monitoring portal.
"Tell me about..."
" Cloud Connect."
"...Tigo optimizers."
"What is my system ID?"
For a description of the questions you can ask Alexa about Tigo, say "Alexa, ask Tigo for help."
Google Home is also supported, with a similar set of commands.
For the Android device, download the Google Assistance App. You just need to trigger your Google Assistant and tap the blue icon at the upper right corner to access the Explore section. You should see a list of Assistant apps that are compatible with the Google Assistant on your phone and the Google Home device. You can search Tigo from there. Click on Tigo. Once connected, you can see some commands from the Explore section as well when you tap on 'Tigo Smart'. These commands include "Ask Tigo Smart for a system summary" and "Talk to Tigo Smart about my current power production".
For iOS users, the Google Assistant app is required to be downloaded. Then once it's installed, access the Explore section by tapping on the blue icon at the upper right corner. Search for 'Tigo Smart' and link your account with Google Home. These commands include 'Ok Google, ask Tigo Smart for a system summary’ or 'Ok Google, talk to Tigo Smart about my current power production.'